Member-only story
Don’t Throw Away Your Masks Yet
It ain’t over
We understand that the COVID vaccine protects us from the virus to a high degree.
And, if we do become ill with COVID, the vaccine should prevent severe symptoms from developing.
Thumbs up! What’s not to like?
Unfortunately, over 30% of the North American population still does not understand that they can safely protect themselves by taking the vaccine - free of charge and sans magnets or microchips.
Why have people gone so crazy? Most have been immunized for measles, mumps, polio, chickenpox and the like. So, why have they chosen not to vaccinate against COVID19? I cannot get my head around their logic (or lack thereof).
If these adults who’ve refused the COVID vaccine were told they couldn’t go to Cancun without a Twinrix shot, they’d gladly take their Twinrix - three times for complete protection. Yet, in the US, pockets of the population with low COVID vaccination rates are now driving a new spike. It is only a matter of time before Canada sees a similar spike in its unvaccinated population.