Member-only story

Fresh Start - 2022

Approach with deep care and cautious steps

1 min readJan 1, 2022
Photo by Ugne Vasyliute on Unsplash

It’s 2022! We made it — bent but not broke, tarnished but salvageable. A little straightening here, a little polish there, and we will be alright.

As a collective, we must continue to pull together for our own good. Hold out for what benefits the most and the vulnerable. Not just the few. Not just those who agree with your viewpoint. For all. It is crucial right now, and nobody else will do it for us. Divided, we fall.

Most importantly, be aware of hidden transcripts. Watch for them. They come from politicians, extremist media and business people who declare one value yet conduct themselves with another.

Don’t assume that the individuals you believe in are talking straight. That is how we fall into dangerous traps which are often impossible to escape. Care for your fellow human, even if he or she does not look like you, act like you or believe as you do. Divided, we fall.





Observer of life. In most cases, there is always more to the story.

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