1 min readNov 12, 2021


He intentionally murdered two people and severely wounded another. There is no question about those facts.

Driven into Wisconsin from Illinois by his own mother. Troubling in itself. His excuse for being in Kenosha was to "act as a medic" at a protest/riot. Weird. Apparently, he didn't know that Wisconsin had its own medics.

He acquired an AR-15 type rifle illegally. He even went to a store near O'Hare International to pick up rifle slings.

Why would a medic need a longarm?

His story is full of holes just like his mother's head is full of holes.

We know why he messed up but we cannot excuse him for it. Had he been a black 17-year old, he'd already be serving life without parole - or dead. No expensive trial. No judge running interference for him. No bogus excuses. No adults rationalizing his outrageous choices.

Crooked stories. Crooked parent. Crooked judge. All of them minimizing murder and mocking the rights of those who deserve to be alive.

I usually agree with you, but I can't on this count. He knowingly and willingly aimed and fired his rifle, killing and wounding his victims. His excuses, and the influences behind his actions, do not matter now.





Observer of life. In most cases, there is always more to the story.

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