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What Position Do You Play?

If we don’t cooperate, we fail.

6 min readJul 25, 2021
Photo by Rick Rodriguez on Unsplash modified by author

Many people think the pitcher is the most important player in baseball’s 9-man lineup. That simply isn’t true! It takes the entire team to play the game.

Just like in baseball, it is important that we humans play our positions well. We don’t get a second shot in the tournament of life so, we have to collaborate and cooperate - actually look after each other out there on the field. That means practicing our skills daily. The objective is to win at mindful living.

Love for our fellow man, our country and our planet take front and center in everything we do. The thoughtful behaviours are easy, like second nature, once we understand the importance of seeing the big picture and adding value to the team. The broad perspective helps us release some of our self-focused goals and guides us to participate in life with the greater good in mind.

We can serve by showing others how to be part of the team. Inspire new players by ensuring they know that they are valuable contributors too.

As every committed team player knows, without the rest of the team, the individual is nothing but a silo — standing alone. Useless, except for what they contain until somebody wants to take from them; possessing little influence over what they wish to give back.





Observer of life. In most cases, there is always more to the story.

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