Prairie Nightmare

Premiers Scott Moe & Jason Kenney negligent

2 min readOct 12, 2021

Prairies Record Country’s Highest COVID-19 Death Rates!

Photo by Mufid Majnun on Unsplash

Regardless of Scott Moe’s finger-pointing, the citizens of Alberta and Saskatchewan are not to blame for this debacle. Nor is the federal government.

Lack of competent provincial leadership is the only reason we face the unnecessary and horrific mass infection and death situation.

This Globe and Mail article from October 11 is sobering to read right after the Canadian Thanksgiving weekend. The next few weeks are sure to tell a tale of increased cases and deaths.

The responsibility for the untenable circumstance sits directly with Premiers Kenney and Moe. Nobody else is to blame. Kenney’s apology rings hollow, while Moe cannot summon the decency to apologize.

They have blatantly misled the people of their provinces by making the deadly choice to #reopenSaskatchewan and have #thebestsummerever rather than responsibly manage the situation. They chose recreation and the economy over human life. Think about that.

I wrote about my concerns here on July 18.

Moe and Kenney have completely crippled our already tenuous healthcare systems. They disregarded doctors, nurses and support personnel while overwhelming…




Observer of life. In most cases, there is always more to the story.